Friday 6 March 2020

Sciences speak English

       El trabajo bilingüe de todos los departamentos implicados en nuestro programa no cesa. El funcionamiento de nuestro proyecto no sólo es patente a través de ciertas celebraciones ya arraigadas en nuestro calendario como salidas y efemérides o concursos, sino que se desarrolla en el día a día de nuestras aulas. El departamento de ciencias, por citar algún ejemplo, ha elaborado unos interesantes murales sobre distintas temáticas (Mendel, los diferentes sistemas del cuerpo humano...) aportando un vocabulario científico de una complejidad notable.

     Our bilingual program implies lots of activities during our everyday work; if you are used to reading our blog's feeds, we are sure you are aware of our trips and anniversaries but Science, History, Maths, Technology and Music lessons work with a myriad of activities in English supported by complex glossaries and explanations in English.

     Our Science board is one of the teachers' groups who have been an active character of our bilingual program since we started it eight years ago, their use of English totally involved in their methodology is remarkable besides most of their homework becomes really attractive: filmed experiments, models of planets, cells or molecules and presentations.

    Mr Luis' and Mrs Cristina's pupils' work is the latest showing of this daily work: posters on different scientific topics from Mendel's genetics laws to the complex practice of Amniocentesis prove this hard and important work.

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