Tuesday 26 March 2019

Pi Day

    El departamento de matematemáticas celebró con actividades bilingües el 3/14 (Día de Pi) con una extracción de muchos de sus decimales que añadió colorido a nuestro centro a la vez que mediante exposiciones nos dio interesantes datos sobre ese carismático número.

     The mathematics board and the PMAR3 group worked out some activities for the special day 3/14, also known as Pi Day. They decorated our stairs and corridors with a long list of the figures of this endless number as they also hung posters with interesting information about the history and funny data about such an important element for geometry. They also gave chats to all the groups adding new issues about it to the rest of their partners.

St Patrick´s Day

      Por primera vez en este centro nos hicimos irlandeses por un día  y disfrutamos de la festividad de San Patricio por medio de una gymkhana y actividades didácticas elaboradas por todos los departamentos.

     The week before St Patrick´s was a very special week for our students, thanks to the work of some teachers of the different subject boards. Lots of activities about Ireland were developed by means of normal maths , geography, science, chemistry, music, technology or English lessons about diverse aspects of Irish culture and way of life or by an exciting gymkhana by which our students had to prove their knowledge.

     The first three hours were time for working in class: Irish prehistory and fauna, what the Giants´ Causeway is, how to make a fluid density rainbow or to sing a U2´s tune. They were different, more dynamic lessons where our kids could enjoy more special activities like singing, learning about legends or doing an actual experiment.

     Then, after the break all the ESO1 and ESO2 had the chance to face the challenge of our St Patrick's Gymkhana: they had to prove their knowledge about legends, try a map puzzle and even dance a popular Irish reel.

     It has been an exciting school day but we missed some leprechauns...

Friday 22 March 2019


El próximo martes 25 alumnos de nuestro centro viajarán a Londres, a continuación damos algunos datos de interés sobre el programa y el funcionamiento del seguro.

Seguro que vamos a disfrutar mucho de la experiencia.

Seguro, funcionamiento

Seguro App

 Teléfonos e información
