Wednesday 5 October 2016

European Day of Languages

Con motivo de la efeméride del Día de las Lenguas Europeas nuestro centro, como todos los años, desarrolló una serie de actividades para reflexionar sobre la enorme importancia de estas en nuestra sociedad: desde actividades variopintas como la elaboración de mapas o el contraste de vocablos a la realización de concursos.

     Last Monday, 26th September 2016, the European Day of Languages, a momentous event for our school, was held by our students. The diverse nationalities of our pupils together with the relationship among different cultures are one of our main features, and this is a great day to show we are really proud of it.

     Every year new activities are put on to celebrate this day and to remember the importance of the varying languages in the European Community themselves as the acknowledgement and use of different ones: since map drawing or introduction to many languages' terms to quizzes about the different European languages.

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