Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Welcome George!

     Con algo de retraso respecto a otros cursos finalmente recibimos este año a nuestro auxiliar para las clases de inglés y bilingües. Se trata de George Harman, un joven neozelandés que, durante los próximos cinco meses, no solo nos ayudará en el aprendizaje de la lengua sino que además nos acercará a las costumbres y cultura de una sociedad tan exótica. 

     We welcome our new foreign language assistant, Mr. George Harman. He comes from Auckland in New Zealand and he will help us with English both during English and other bilingual non-linguistic subject lessons (actually he will be helping Science, Social studies, Music, Maths and Technology teachers).

     George is a young man who has just ended his university studies on International Business and Spanish language so he did not have any kind of doubts when he had the chance to visit Spain to teach his mother language and improve ours. He loves sports, like rugby or mountain biking, and music: he even wants to learn to play flamenco guitar!!!

     We Profesor Tomás Hormigo´s staff are really excited about his arrival, we think we have been lucky.

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