Monday, 30 January 2017


Hoy Día de la Paz nuestro centro volvió a celebrar múltiples actividades para concienciarnos del mundo en que vivimos durante estos días difíciles, si atendemos en los medios a lo que acontece a nuestro alrededor. Algunas de las actividades se tiñeron de cierto carácter bilingüe.

English teacher Ignacio's tutorship's work.
     Today is the International Day of Peace. Our school performs different activities for this day: reading peace statements, creating posters, singing and listening to songs...

     The English Department teachers have been working on all those activities as the rest of tutors, adding a bilingual dimension to the diverse activities, by the creation of posters or English speeches, and also listening to songs.

     Songs are very useful to make us understand situations we have not experienced so they are great in such moments. English lessons also use them to introduce vocabulary and structures as they analyse their meanings (you can find samples on our section "week soundtrack"), today, International Day of Peace, we have chosen this lovely tune by Sir Paul McCartney and its great video.

...Help them to learn

songs of joy instead of `burn, baby, burn',

let us show them how to play the pipes of peace...


Sir Paul McCartney "Pipes of Peace" (1983)

 Click here for the whole lyrics

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