El pasado martes el grupo de 4ºAB bilingüe dio una especial bienvenida a Preston, nuestro recién llegado auxiliar de conversación americano: una ”rueda de prensa” en la que con simpatía este respondió al aluvión de preguntas por parte del alumnado.
A continuación dejo extractos de las redacciones donde algunos alumnos como Cedric, Sofía, Phoebe, Verónica y Yihui dejaron plasmado lo más representativo de sus respuestas.
“The person we
interviewed was the Texan conversation assistant, Preston A. Grimes,
who came over to help us improve our English for the next nine
“Starting off with his personal life
we can officially say he is single, yes ladies, he is single.”

“Along the interview we discovered
he likes to travel around the world. He has visited different
American and European countries. He has also visited sixteen of the
fifty United States of America. He told us he really likes living in
Spain. He came to meet other kind of people and to learn Spanish
because he loves to learn different languages, although he studied
the grade of History. He wants to visit all the country, especially
cities like Bilbao, Gerona, Santander o Cádiz.”
“His hobbies, obviously, the
adventure of knowing new places and cultures. He also likes sports,
especially skiing, as well as nature, cinema or soul and jazz music: his favourite
singer is
Sam Cooke and movie
Kubrick´s “Dr Strangelove”. But
what he loves is dance, he dances
swing, bachata, salsa, merengue...
he even tried to clap flamenco when he was asked if he liked it.”

“I´d like to add a huge interest in
food reflected every time we asked whether he liked the places he had
been to, his answers always included `
The food was very nice´.His
favourite food is kebab.”
“He let us know lots of interesting
things talking not only about himself but also different topics such
as religion, politics or even football. He doesn´t know what will be
next after his stay with us in May... maybe he settles in Andalucía.”