Thursday, 18 December 2014

Hunger Games: Mockingjay (part I)

     Como cada año para esta fecha tuvo lugar la actividad del Departamento de Inglés que consiste en la salida al cine a la proyección de una película en lengua inglesa con subtítulos. Todos los grupos disfrutaron de la película "Sinsajo" (Mockingjay) para continuar con la serie de películas basadas en la obra de Suzanne Collins "Los Juegos del Hambre" (The Hunger Games).

     This has been the third year most of our pupils enjoy this acitivity programmed by the English Department: trip to Plaza Mayor´s Yelmo Cinemas, popcorn and original version film with Spanish subtitles. This year the chosen movie was The Hunger Games: Mockingjay (part I) and all the groups, more than two hundred of our students, had the chance to watch it during two trips (Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th), undoubtedly a great success.

    Following last year´s choice we have seen what is next to The Hunger Games: Catching Fire The Hunger Games is a series of books where a post-apocalyptic future shows how Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence), who starts as an innocent poor girl taking care of her sister and mother, becomes a hero that fights the system established by the mean President Snow (Donald Sutherland).
     So we are really looking forward to going to the cinema together again next year, let's see which film will be chosen then.

Monday, 15 December 2014

I´m dreaming on a white... READING?!

     Siempre es una gran iniciativa fomentar la lectura entre nuestro alumnado.  Cuando muchos me preguntan cómo mejorar en la asignatura de inglés, es también la lectura una de las mejores opciones que se pueden ayudar de manera notable. Hoy en día gracias a la tecnología, principalmente internet, es algo que está al alcance de casi todos; además nuestro centro y su biblioteca se prestan también a esta actividad.

     Reading is an incredible activity which does not need more than a book. And by reading, we can improve our own language or a foreign one: not only expressions and vocabulary but also issues about the culture setting we read about can be learnt by this (more than healthy) habit, in the meantime we sometimes discover historical facts, how things work or the different ways people think... Love stories, travels, dangers can be a good setting to learn English.

     Christmas holidays have plenty of time to do whatever you want, a lot of things, you can rest, play with your PSX, visit your relatives, sing carols, cook... but you can also have a nice time as you enjoy the reading of a book you have chosen. You can find e-books or texts on the internet or you may find an old comic or novel at home but you can also borrow something from our school's bilingual library section.

     A suitable choice would be our Social Studies teacher Cristóbal Navarro's suggestion: have you ever read Asterix' adventures? You should know the adventures of this Gaul hero and his friends through the most hilarious situations from the land of the Picts to the ancient Olympic Games.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

New mascot!

       Sí, damas y caballeros, por fin, ya la tenoms aquí. Nuestro blog tiene mascota y es muy, pero que muy, divertida.

     Tras la convocatoria del concurso para elegir a la mascota de nuestra web y exponer los diseños que, a ojos del jurado, parecían mejores y más apropiados, por fin nuestra nueva mascota salió elegida. Se trata del simpático Lord Tommy, dibujo de la alumna de 4ºbilingüe Jessica Linterman Lledo.
     Seguro que muy pronto esta figura se habrá convertido en alguien muy familiar para nosotros.



     And the winner is this weird blue ball wearing a top hat. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lord Tommy. Our new kind mascot seems happy to have been elected out of this original group of drawings.

       As you can see we have received such amazing pictures to represent this blogpage that it has been a very difficult choice. We cannot forget to mention another interesting design, Cecilia Miralles´ guard has been chosen as second-prize finalist.

     We want to thank all the contestants and to claim we are really proud of all your works.

Friday, 14 November 2014

English Cemetery and Roman Theatre of Malaga

     El pasado Jueves 13 de Noviembre nuestro alumnado bilingüe de 1º y 2º realizó una salida a Málaga para conocer dos puntos claves de nuestro patrimonio cultural: el cementerio inglés de Málaga y el teatro romano. Sin duda, esta salida se convirtió en una experiencia magnífica.

    Here we can see some of the pictures taken last Thursday 13th November when our students of the groups 1ESO Cbi/Dbi and 2ESO Bbi/Cbi visited two of the main cultural landmarks in Malaga: the English Cemetery and the Roman Theatre.
    During our visit to the first Protestant cemetery in Spain, we found out a lot of information about the place, its founding and the history of the town. There we also visited the graves of important historical characters such as William Mark (1772-1849), founder of this place, and the war hero Robert Boyd (1805-1831), or well-known writers like Jorge Guillén (1893-1984), Aarne V. Haapakoski (1904-1961) and Gerald Brenan (1894-1987).

     We could look into deeper details of Malaga's history as we came into the Roman Theatre, one of the most impressive structures in this town: a first-century theatre which later became a salted fish industry and later a necropolis. Our students enjoyed the visit to its stage, stands and galleries.

     A great trip!

more info:

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Welcome Preston!

     El pasado martes el grupo de 4ºAB bilingüe dio una especial bienvenida a Preston, nuestro recién llegado auxiliar de conversación americano: una ”rueda de prensa” en la que con simpatía este respondió al aluvión de preguntas por parte del alumnado.

     A continuación dejo extractos de las redacciones donde algunos alumnos como Cedric, Sofía, Phoebe, Verónica y Yihui dejaron plasmado lo más representativo de sus respuestas.

     “The person we interviewed was the Texan conversation assistant, Preston A. Grimes, who came over to help us improve our English for the next nine months”

     “Starting off with his personal life we can officially say he is single, yes ladies, he is single.”

     “Along the interview we discovered he likes to travel around the world. He has visited different American and European countries. He has also visited sixteen of the fifty United States of America. He told us he really likes living in Spain. He came to meet other kind of people and to learn Spanish because he loves to learn different languages, although he studied the grade of History. He wants to visit all the country, especially cities like Bilbao, Gerona, Santander o Cádiz.”

     “His hobbies, obviously, the adventure of knowing new places and cultures. He also likes sports, especially skiing, as well as nature, cinema or soul and jazz music: his favourite singer is Sam Cooke and movie Kubrick´s Dr Strangelove. But what he loves is dance, he dances swing, bachata, salsa, merengue... he even tried to clap flamenco when he was asked if he liked it.”

     “I´d like to add a huge interest in food reflected every time we asked whether he liked the places he had been to, his answers always included `The food was very nice´.His favourite food is kebab.”

     “He let us know lots of interesting things talking not only about himself but also different topics such as religion, politics or even football. He doesn´t know what will be next after his stay with us in May... maybe he settles in Andalucía.”


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Talking about Biology

     Dentro del programa bilingüe de nuestro centro, no debemos pasar por alto la inclusión y entrega de los departamentos de Ciencias Sociales y Biología y Geología. 
     A continuación mostramos algunos de los mejores proyectos resultado de la actividad final de la Unidad 1, La Célula Animal y Vegetal, por parte de nuestros alumnos de 3ºBbi y 3ºCbi.

      When we talk about a bilingual school, maybe some think about the obvious importance of the English, French or German lessons but many may forget that there are other subjects involved in this program becoming as important as the teaching of the second language itself since we are giving our lessons that bilingual aspect especially when we use this language for different purposes such as the learning in different fields.

     An excellent example can be the Unit 1 final project (Animal and Plant Cell) of the Biology Program for 3º ESO. Our 3Bbi and 3Cbi groups have shown their knowledge about such a complex science and terminology about different kinds of cells and their parts or the different types of tissues.

     These are some of the most remarkable posters (the ones which got the best marks), we must be really proud of them as well as proud of the "scientartists" who drew them.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


El Programa de Bilingüismo en conjunto con el Departamento de Plástica ponen en marcha un concurso para que nuestros alumnos diseñen a Tommy, la que será mascota de nuestro blog.

The name of the competition is
 "Who´s Tommy", but don´t copy
 the 70´s The Who´s Tommy
As you know this blog has just been created and we need your help. You can be the one who designs our web mascot. The Bilingual Program Board and the Plastic Art Department want you all to take part in this competition.

Your drawing can be a person, an animal, an alien, a living object, a “don´t-know-what” being... you can use different techniques from a simple pencil sketch to a computer design, we don´t mind: just be original and name it Tommy (a kind tribute to our school).

All your drawings will be welcome, please make sure you finish your project before the deadline (October 10th) . There will be a prize for the winner even though the best recognition will be to see your work has become an emblem of our school.

Good luck!!!

Thursday, 2 October 2014

European spoken

Con motivo de la efeméride del Día de las Lenguas Europeas nuestro centro, como todos los años, desarrolló una serie de actividades para reflexionar sobre la enorme importancia de estas en nuestra sociedad: la elaboración de mapas de lenguas donde mostraban gran parte de las nacionalidades presentes en nuestro centro, junto a la decisión de cartelería en inglés para las aulas comunes son algunos puntos de los más representativos.

     Last Friday, 26th September 2014, the European Day of Languages, a momentous event for our school, was held by our students. The diverse nationalities of our pupils together with the relationship among different cultures are one of our main features, and this is a great day to show we are really proud of it.

     Every year new activities are put on to celebrate this day and to remember the importance of the varying languages in the European Community themselves as the acknowledgement and use of different ones. One of the most attractive and showy works has been the production of Language Maps, an excellent work by the students of 3Bbi and 3Cbi, helping us value and understand the importance of all the European languages for our community.

     Using this special day as a set-off, the Bilingualism Program Department and the head of studies board approved a project to add English placards to Spanish door signs of the common classrooms and offices in our school, so from now on our room signs will also be bilingual.

Monday, 29 September 2014

“And the winner is...”

Algunos de nuestros alumnos disfrutaron de una gala al más estilo Oscars de Hollywood donde presentaron sus proyectos de cortometraje en inglés junto a los de los alumnos del IES Mar de Alborán. Muchos de nuestros participantes fueron premiados destacando el galardón a mejor  proyecto a The Last Tangerine (La Última Mandarina).

     Last year 2013/14, some of our 4ESO students became movie stars for a day.

     I.E.S. Mar de Alborán and our school showed the results of the brand-new English short films project. After watching the ten excellent short films of our students, the `Oscars´ were given to the best actor (Mitchell Bynert for A Crazy Night) and actress (María Gómez for her breathtaking role in the terrifying The Last Day of Summer) as well as the prize to the best project, category for which one of our projects, The Last Tangerine, was awarded.

     The Last Tangerine is a hilarious story about a mysterious and mad theft. Nicole Cariño, Dori Acosta, Saira Jerjes, Lucía Cabrera and Tatiana Legini won this award because of this project where its original plot, funny situations and characters and even its soundtrack keep us smiling from beginning to end.

     Similar projects will be developed this year again, we hope a lot of our 4ESO pupils hear that well-known statement: "and the Oscar goes to..."