Con motivo de la efeméride del Día de las Lenguas Europeas nuestro centro, como todos los años, desarrolló una serie de actividades para reflexionar sobre la enorme importancia de estas en nuestra sociedad: la elaboración de mapas de lenguas donde mostraban gran parte de las nacionalidades presentes en nuestro centro, junto a la decisión de cartelería en inglés para las aulas comunes son algunos puntos de los más representativos.
Last Friday, 26th September 2014, the European Day of Languages, a momentous event for our school, was held by our students. The diverse nationalities of our pupils together with the relationship among different cultures are one of our main features, and this is a great day to show we are really proud of it.
Last Friday, 26th September 2014, the European Day of Languages, a momentous event for our school, was held by our students. The diverse nationalities of our pupils together with the relationship among different cultures are one of our main features, and this is a great day to show we are really proud of it.
Every year new activities are put on to celebrate this day and to remember the importance of the varying languages in the European Community themselves as the acknowledgement and use of different ones. One of the most attractive and showy works has been the production of Language Maps, an excellent work by the students of 3Bbi and 3Cbi, helping us value and understand the importance of all the European languages for our community.
Using this special day as a set-off, the Bilingualism Program Department and the head of studies board approved a project to add English placards to Spanish door signs of the common classrooms and offices in our school, so from now on our room signs will also be bilingual.
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