El pasado Jueves 13 de Noviembre nuestro alumnado bilingüe de 1º y 2º realizó una salida a Málaga para conocer dos puntos claves de nuestro patrimonio cultural: el cementerio inglés de Málaga y el teatro romano. Sin duda, esta salida se convirtió en una experiencia magnífica.

Here we can see some of the pictures taken last Thursday 13th November when our students of the groups 1ESO Cbi/Dbi and 2ESO Bbi/Cbi visited two of the main cultural landmarks in Malaga: the
English Cemetery and the
Roman Theatre.

During our visit to the first Protestant cemetery in Spain, we found out a lot of information about the place, its founding and the history of the town. There we also visited the graves of important historical characters such as William Mark (1772-1849), founder of this place, and the war hero Robert Boyd (1805-1831), or well-known writers like Jorge Guillén (1893-1984), Aarne V. Haapakoski (1904-1961) and Gerald Brenan (1894-1987).

We could look into deeper details of Malaga's history as we came into the Roman Theatre, one of the most impressive structures in this town: a first-century theatre which later became a salted fish industry and later a necropolis. Our students enjoyed the visit to its stage, stands and galleries.
A great trip!
more info: http://actividadesiespth.blogspot.com.es/2014/11/visita-al-cementerio-ingles-de-malaga.html
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