Thursday, 25 October 2018

Already Thinking on our Oscars

       A ver si optásemos a algún premio a las buenas prácticas en educación bilingüe en Andalucía en su última convocatoria, hemos adjuntado el siguiente dossier exponiendo los pormenores de este proyecto que viene desarrollándose en nuestro centro durante los últimos años con resultados de lo más ilusionantes, nuestro festival de cortos en inglés, los OSCARS PROFESOR TOMÁS HORMIGO. Aquí podéis ver la entrada referente a su última edición (Mayo 2018).

     We have applied for the good professional practice prizes in Andalusian bilingual schools by giving detailed information about our annual short film festival, our Oscars.  You can read the report we have sent to find out everything about one of our favourite projects. Fingers crossed!!!

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Let's work!

     El curso empezó ya casi hace dos meses y alcanzó su ritmo natural, inmersos por fin en el 2018/19. El departamento de bilingüismo ya funciona dentro de esta dinámica aportando su sello en las distintas materias.

     The school year began nearly two months ago and we teachers in the bilingualism program are already working on new activities for the different subjects.

     We are preparing all the Halloween stuff as we usually do but many teachers are developing exercises focusing on the bilingual aspects of education. We are used to dealing with English written texts about different themes for science, maths, technology, music or history lessons, working out vocabulary lists to enrich our knowledge on diverse subjects or supporting our lessons with the help of our English-language assisstants. This year, since our number of students rises and the importance of our program grows, we have two assistants; so far we have always had just one foreign student to help us.

     There are two activities which seemed really appealing. Julia, our Biology teacher, encouraged her students to sculpt colourful cells with all their tiny weird parts, some students showed real masterpieces but what I really liked was that some were made of CANDY!!! On the other hand, our Social Studies teacher Juan Miguel suggested Nickee, one of our American assistants, to introduce herself by a lesson through which she talked about American money (banknotes and coins) which was very exciting for most kids.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

New year, new life?

     Empezamos un nuevo curso con la ilusión de cada año o incluso más: seguiremos trabajando como lo venimos haciendo en los últimos cursos e incluiremos atractivas novedades.

     As we introduced by the headline, this a new year but we will work on many of the appealing and successful activities performed during school year 2017/18: Halloween contests, theatre plays, original version cinema, short film festival and English learning trip to London are some of them.

     We have to mention that, as our school grows, our program does so by adding a new language assistant to our lessons. Soon we will introduce Nickee and Marcus.

    Furthermore our new year program includes new and fun contents: visits, games... but we have a whole school year to let them show.