Thursday, 20 December 2018


     Como cada año para estas fechas el alumnado de la totalidad de los grupos de nuestro centro visitó La Cañada para ver una película en versión original en inglés con subtítulos. Este año el Departamento de Inglés llevó a nuestras chicas y chicos a la proyección del éxito navideño El Grinch.

     Christmas begins at our school with a movie. As we always do when December starts, we have had an original version movie session, Christmas´ blockbusters are an excellent excuse to take our kids to the cinema and learn English by living some Hollywood adventures and stories. 

     Previous years we enjoyed films like Rogue One, Hunger Games or  Wonder, last year´s excellent choice.  This was the time for an animation work inspired on the next holiday, The Grinch. The projection was supported by subtitles so they were practicing listening skills as they watch an appealing movie.

     After the show our students had a time to go shopping what made the activity even more interesting for them!

Thursday, 8 November 2018

It's Halloween

      El día previo a la noche de Halloween volvió a ser terrorífico en nuestro centro: relatos, calabazas, chuches, disfraces, desayunos... TERRORÍFICAMENTE DIVERTIDO.

     Some people are for and some against the American influence on this holiday: we are not taking part in the debate but what we think is that it is an appealing issue of their culture for our kids and an excellent excuse for parallel educational activities.

     The Jack O'Lantern pumpkins, the ghostly make-up and masks, the spider-like cupcakes... loads of stuff to make this day really scary. The best pumpkins were awarded with candy and a special prize (Edgard A. Poe's stories) as the best short story writers were too. Some twitter tales were elected as the most frightening ones and their authors got also their sweets and their Poe 's books, the winner this year was Angelina V. Parson's (3ºC), (S P O O K Y !!!)

     If you want to check what was on, read through our school activities blog

Monday, 5 November 2018

Welcome, friends!

     Como cada año, nuestros auxiliares de conversación extranjeros tuvieron una bienvenida a nuestro centro más oficial con la participación del departamento de biblioteca.

     From 1st October, Nicole Plaksen and Marcus Cormier have been working with us, letting our students learn diverse aspects of their culture. They are here not just to help them in their learning of the English language but also to illustrate with their own experience how life in North America is like. 

     They are two young students in their twenties who are interested in education and in our culture. Nickee comes from Philadelphia and loves music and travelling and  Marcus comes from Lousiana and he is really funny, he has millions of friends and hilarious stories.

     They have introduced themselves in every class by a presentation about their cities, their likes, their schools... and some other issues as for example the money used in the States or food in Southern states.

     Our school, with the support of Olivia Cózar and the Library Board, welcomed them by giving them an abridged version of one of our literature classics.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Already Thinking on our Oscars

       A ver si optásemos a algún premio a las buenas prácticas en educación bilingüe en Andalucía en su última convocatoria, hemos adjuntado el siguiente dossier exponiendo los pormenores de este proyecto que viene desarrollándose en nuestro centro durante los últimos años con resultados de lo más ilusionantes, nuestro festival de cortos en inglés, los OSCARS PROFESOR TOMÁS HORMIGO. Aquí podéis ver la entrada referente a su última edición (Mayo 2018).

     We have applied for the good professional practice prizes in Andalusian bilingual schools by giving detailed information about our annual short film festival, our Oscars.  You can read the report we have sent to find out everything about one of our favourite projects. Fingers crossed!!!

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Let's work!

     El curso empezó ya casi hace dos meses y alcanzó su ritmo natural, inmersos por fin en el 2018/19. El departamento de bilingüismo ya funciona dentro de esta dinámica aportando su sello en las distintas materias.

     The school year began nearly two months ago and we teachers in the bilingualism program are already working on new activities for the different subjects.

     We are preparing all the Halloween stuff as we usually do but many teachers are developing exercises focusing on the bilingual aspects of education. We are used to dealing with English written texts about different themes for science, maths, technology, music or history lessons, working out vocabulary lists to enrich our knowledge on diverse subjects or supporting our lessons with the help of our English-language assisstants. This year, since our number of students rises and the importance of our program grows, we have two assistants; so far we have always had just one foreign student to help us.

     There are two activities which seemed really appealing. Julia, our Biology teacher, encouraged her students to sculpt colourful cells with all their tiny weird parts, some students showed real masterpieces but what I really liked was that some were made of CANDY!!! On the other hand, our Social Studies teacher Juan Miguel suggested Nickee, one of our American assistants, to introduce herself by a lesson through which she talked about American money (banknotes and coins) which was very exciting for most kids.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

New year, new life?

     Empezamos un nuevo curso con la ilusión de cada año o incluso más: seguiremos trabajando como lo venimos haciendo en los últimos cursos e incluiremos atractivas novedades.

     As we introduced by the headline, this a new year but we will work on many of the appealing and successful activities performed during school year 2017/18: Halloween contests, theatre plays, original version cinema, short film festival and English learning trip to London are some of them.

     We have to mention that, as our school grows, our program does so by adding a new language assistant to our lessons. Soon we will introduce Nickee and Marcus.

    Furthermore our new year program includes new and fun contents: visits, games... but we have a whole school year to let them show. 


Monday, 4 June 2018

Oscars 2018

     Un año más, y van cinco, presenciamos una de las principales exposiciones de la creatividad de nuestro alumnado de cuarto curso: el festival/concurso de cortometrajes en inglés, Oscars Profesor Tomás Hormigo.

     On Friday (not 13th) 25th of May the fifth Oscars Profesor Tomás Hormigo Awards were given by a ceremony of the kind we are used to celebrating: the red carpet, Oscar statuettes, the presence of lots of our teachers (mainly the whole English board and headteachers), Mr José Luis Caballos´ bad jokes, even a try of musical performance with the help of our beloved Mariano and, obviously, the premiere of our students´mini-masterpieces. 

     After a funny introduction by our teacher, making reference to groups, the school year and the projects and the duet “City of Stars” performed by Jose Luis and Mariano (via whatsapp video), we saw the five finalist movies, which eventually shared the prizes:

-Illusion is a first-person story about a teenagers´ betrayal and suicide which won the Awards for Best Movie and Best Screenplay.

-Weird Neighbours is the result of the wildest Harrison Genders´performance, project winner of the Best Actor category.

-Monday the 13th is a fun and hysterical piece emplaced in a frightening setting, which got the technical prizes (Best Edition and Best Music selecction).

-Friends got the Best Actress Award (Jessie Linton) and Best Message awards.

-The Truth, mocking on our politicians won the statues for Best Comedy and Best Non-Native English.

     Excellent work and really rewarding for us English teachers. Congratulations everyone!

Monday, 28 May 2018



     Trece alumnos de 3º de E.S.O. acompañados por dos profesores participaron el viaje gestionado por el programa bilingüe de nuestro centro, consistente en una salida de inmersión lingüística con clases intensivas, estancias con familias y visitas a los lugares más representativos de la capital británica durante cinco días.

      This year has been special for a lot of reasons but undoubtedly one of the most remarkable activities which have been performed is our first London trip.

     One of our prime wills as bilingual program has always been a linguistic inmersion trip and eventually we got it! Thirteen lucky ESO3 students travelled with our teachers Mr Luis Hernández and Mr Ignacio Rodríguez to the British capital city. They left on Tuesday 15th of  May and came back on Saturday, there they enjoyed a (sure) unforgettable adventure. Lots of things can be told about this journey: London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Green Park, the Museums, Oxford St., the tube, TATE modern, shopping...

     Their experience was even bigger because of Paul, their teacher / guide new friend who really enriched their stay and the evenings at their English families' homes in the lovely neighborhood Ealing. In the mornings, after the home breakfast, they practiced English for three hours by means of dynamic and interesting lessons, which also prepared them for the afternoon visits: London (do we need to say anything else?). Then, back home for dinner and next they even found time to "get lost" in their beautiful town.

     It has been difficult to give them such a chance but we are sure it has been worth. Next year, are you been any of the lucky ones having this experience?

(Click for more photos) NOT AVALIABLE YET

Friday, 18 May 2018

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


    El pasado jueves 17 de mayo nuestros alumnos de primero de ESO tuvieron la oportunidad de "estrenar" el auditorio Felipe VI de Estepona con el musical teatral "Charlie y la  Fábrica de Chocolate" de la compañía Escenarios Educativos y en inglés.


    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is an amazing story most of us already know, by Roald Dahl´s novel or by any of its popular cinema versions, but our ESO1 students have been able to enjoy it by a theatre performance and this experience took place at  a great venue, our brand new Felipe VI. The adventures of Charlie, Willy Wonka and his Oompa Loompas became an educational setting by which our boys and girls attended a play in a foreign language by first time. A really interesting and appealing activity which searches for new forms of learning English and supports their social development and love for culture.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Information about grants for English summer camps in Spain

     Como indica la web de plurilingüismo de nuestra delegación, el Ministerio de Educación pone en marcha un programa de inmersión lingüística para que alumnos de 1º y 2 º de ESO disfruten unos días de verano en campamentos en inglés dentro del territorio español, en el siguiente link puede encontrarse la información:
     Adjuntamos la resolución oficial con las bases donde pueden informarse en todo detalle de condiciones, requisitos, ayudas y plazos. 


Friday, 23 March 2018


     El agua  también tuvo su protagonismo con actividades dentro del plan bilingüe con motivo de la celebración de su efeméride.

     Physics and English boards used  Word Water Day to introduce different activities. 22 March has become the day to value the importance of water for our health, societies and environment. Many subjects like P. E. , Ethics or Sciences focused on diverse aspects of its importance by their lessons but we are talking about the original outcome of its teaching in two other subjects. 

     Our 3ESO students worked on posters to inspire NGO's where water took a protagonist role (famine, turtles, the poles were some of the targets of their call). 1ESO with Mr Emilio Bustelo studied the physical properties of  H2O and we are able to see the result of their dynamic activity in the playground by means of this interesting video.