El 9 de noviembre nuestros grupos de 3º B/C y 4ºB vivieron una experiencia única, junto a sus profesores de Sociales y Ciencias, disfrutaron de la visita bilingüe al Caminito de Rey. El Desfiladero de los Gaitanes, en Ardales es uno de los atractivos turísticos más llamativos de nuestra provincia; por lo que vivieron una experiencia inolvidable, aprendiendo sobre su historia, orografía.

The groups 4B, 3B and C visited last Wednesday one of the most amazing geographical features the Gorge of Los Gaitanes. This breathtaking defile which has been recently re-opened after the necessary works, providing safety to such a terrific site.

Besides the impresssive views of the rocky landscape, according to
Mr Luis Hernández, our science teacher,
"this interesting visit has been a cross-disciplinary study not only of the path itself but also the area and its sociological, geological, biological, archeological aspects throughout all its history since prehistorical times".
We cannot forget to thank Mr Cristóbal Navarro, Social Science teacher, for his great photographs.
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