Thursday, 22 December 2016

Grease is the word...

     Increíble musical el que nuestros alumnos de 4ºB nos ofrecieron como regalo navideño anticipado el pasado miércoles 21, frente a todo el centro, profesores y alumnado. Vivimos una representación excelente del clásico del cine Grease.

     I.E.S. Profesor Tomás Hormigo became Dani and Barbara's... sorry! Our school became Danny and Sandy's American high-school for an hour, and we brought back their 1958 romance.

     Monica's students dare to make us forget the great Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet , which they played last year, by performing an excellent version of the 1978 musical movie GREASE with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John as protagonists. Daniel and Barbara relived this American romance with an A+. We were astonished as well by the rest of the cast's performance whose acting, dances and songs took us back to such an exciting setting.

     Now we cannot stop wondering what this company's next success.

*As soon as we have the video we will be able to watch it here.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016


      Como cada año para esta fecha, esta actividad organizada por el departamento de inglés llevó a ver una película en versión original a más de doscientos alumnos de nuestro centro. Este año fue el turno para nueva entrega de la franquicia Star Wars.

      Two hundred and twenty students enjoyed the O.V. Cinema activity, which we have been developing for the last five years.

     This time, this "Christmas" activity took place in La Cañada shopping centre Cinemas, Marbella, on Monday 19th, and we watched a movie in its original version, English language, helped by Spanish subtitles; in our opinion one of the most interesting exercises for learning a language, that any one can try at home, but which gets more appealing when it is during school hours and with free popcorn.

     The film chosen this time was the new Star Wars feature, Rogue One: a far-away-galaxy spin-off (parallel story plot detached from the main saga) whose premiere was on Friday, maybe the prime blockbuster for this Christmas season.

     You know... may the force be with you!

Thursday, 15 December 2016

English Breakfast 2016


      Nothing like an English breakfast to start a new day... it´s December and it is getting harder and harder to work, looking forward to our Christmas holidays, so as every year some of our groups prepare their English breakfast: not only bacon and eggs but also cookies, muffins and even hot chocolate.

     Thanks Mónica and our 4ºA students for  making our Thursday easier!

Three, two... Rogue One!

        Next Monday (19th December) we all move to La Cañada to watch the original language version of the new Star Wars adventure, Rogue One.

        You´ll have news and...  

                   may the force be with you!!!

Friday, 25 November 2016

Monday, 21 November 2016

Mannequin Challenge

     La educación es un desafío diario y hay que aprovecharse de todas las ventajas que la sociedad como la tecnología, los medios o las redes pueden ofrecernos. Sin duda este "desafío maniquí" es un fenómeno viral que puede convertir una clase en un momento divertido y lograr elevar la motivación del alumnado, como sucedió el pasado viernes 18 en nuestras clases de inglés de primero de ESO.

     Using internet trends to develop educational activities is not new but what it is really new is this crazy fashion known as "the mannequin challenge".  This hilarious phenomenon could be described as videos where everyone keeps frozen while performing any routine, a worldwide fashion which has hooked sportsmen, musicians and even politicians.

     Fridays are great, but that is after the bell rings, Friday lessons are really hard and we teachers have to look for alternative activities in order to make our students work in the most appealing ways. By means of recording one of this funny videos, we gave our boys and girls orders to describe the action they should be miming during the performance-"...Ana, you are hiding under the desk while you two, Hugo and Álvaro, are sword-fighting with your pencilcases", turning this viral phenomenon into an English listening comprehension exercise.

     You can watch the videos to assess the result even though by these frozen scenes you won´t get the actual fun of them. 


Thursday, 10 November 2016

Caminito del Rey

     El 9 de noviembre nuestros grupos de B/C y B vivieron una experiencia única, junto a sus profesores de Sociales y Ciencias, disfrutaron de la visita bilingüe al Caminito de Rey.  El Desfiladero de los Gaitanes, en Ardales es uno de los atractivos turísticos más llamativos de nuestra provincia; por lo que vivieron una experiencia inolvidable, aprendiendo sobre su historia, orografía.

    The groups 4B, 3B and C visited last Wednesday one of the most amazing geographical features the Gorge of Los Gaitanes. This breathtaking defile which has been recently re-opened after the necessary works, providing safety to such a terrific site.

    Besides the impresssive views of the rocky landscape, according to Mr Luis Hernández, our science teacher, "this interesting visit has been a cross-disciplinary study not only of the path itself but also the area and its sociological, geological, biological, archeological aspects throughout all its history since prehistorical times". 

    We cannot forget to thank Mr Cristóbal Navarro, Social Science teacher, for his great photographs.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Halloween Day

       El viernes 28 de Octubre nuestro centro se disfrazó de múltiples actividades en las que zombies, vampiros y todo tipo de monstruos ambientaron un día de Halloween más que especial: concursos literarios, concurso de calabazas de Halloween, diseños de monstruos, historias de terror o incluso la venta de terroríficos y sabrosísimos desayunos ambientaron la previa a esta festividad cada vez más en auge entre nuestros alumnos.

   Our Halloween this year has been a myriad of diverse activities and most of our students have been involved in some of them; from our 1ESO's who carved the most thrilling Jack O'Lanterns to our 4ESO's who, disguised as their favourite monsters, told horror stories to all their partners, then rewarded with a scary film when our library became a Halloween cinema. 1ESO´s designed monsters using the vocabulary learnt by which they described the most horrifying  creatures.
      Our Silent-Hill-like school didn´t stop frightening us all during the whole Friday, even at our lunch time when our 4ESO boys and girls sold fearful and delicious cookies and cakes in order to get funds for their trip, which we will talk soon about.

          Finally I want to talk about the excellent micro-tales written for our "Halloween Twitter Tales" contest... Congratulatios, Taylor Hopewell, for your great work! But it is a shame we could award only one person because there were lots of awesome tales and we do know how hard to impress us with just 140 characters is. You can read some of the best on our twitter (@biliespth)

      It has been hard because it is difficult to get involved in so many activities but it has been worth... we cannot wait for our next Halloween.

Monday, 17 October 2016

The Halloween #Twitter Tale

     Se presentan las bases para el concurso de microrelatos de terror en inglés para celebrar Halloween.

    Halloween is coming and all the ghosts and spirits are looking forward to their trick-or-treat events. Our school English Department and the Bilingual team want to add a new activity to our calendar: the Halloween Twitter Tale. Our students will write really horrifying stories but just using the 140 twitter characters.

      "When he was feeding his dead grandpa's dad it meowed `Thanks, grandson'" or "After stabbing his enemy he discovered he had his own face. The papers said it was a suicide" are examples of this genre where few words move and thrill us or even get our scream.

     In a few days we will read their best tales here.


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

European Day of Languages

Con motivo de la efeméride del Día de las Lenguas Europeas nuestro centro, como todos los años, desarrolló una serie de actividades para reflexionar sobre la enorme importancia de estas en nuestra sociedad: desde actividades variopintas como la elaboración de mapas o el contraste de vocablos a la realización de concursos.

     Last Monday, 26th September 2016, the European Day of Languages, a momentous event for our school, was held by our students. The diverse nationalities of our pupils together with the relationship among different cultures are one of our main features, and this is a great day to show we are really proud of it.

     Every year new activities are put on to celebrate this day and to remember the importance of the varying languages in the European Community themselves as the acknowledgement and use of different ones: since map drawing or introduction to many languages' terms to quizzes about the different European languages.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

We're baaaack!!!

Acabó el curso académico 2015-2016 con todo lo acontecido y este año retomamos nuestro blog de bilingüismo para informar de lo mucho que nos traerá este nuevo curso.

      Well, year 2015-16 is over and we start again... we leave behind lots of activities such as some trips, the Halloween Horror Experience, O.V. cinema, the Third Oscars Edition... but we mustn't forget the excellent Romeo and Juliet play by 3ºC boys and girls with Mónica and Tiberiu's help. We have to mention also our partner Janire, who came from California to make our lessons more fun.

     Now we are beginning a new adventure and we promise a lot of interesting new issues this year.