Monday, 21 December 2020

First term's over

      Pues a pesar de las dificultades y medidas además de los augurios confusos que llegaban en septiembre, hemos llegado a las vacaciones navideñas con una cierta normalidad.


     Christmas break, this year it seems even more miraculous than another. In the beginning of this school year, in summer, most bet that our classes would be interrupted by the pandemic measures. Now just before the Christmas holiday we can be proud of our students' work (and teachers' too). 

     We are used to a long list of activities, some of them have become tradition, but this year has not been so busy because of that (I especially missed the Cinema trip done for the last seven years). Anyway teachers have kept working on our program: bilingüal activities (documentaries, vocabulary quizzes, real life simulation role plays, poster designing... and even a Christmas carol choreography) every single area has worked on this subject, including English in our everyday education. Kim's work, our language assistant, has been an excellent support, bringing British culture issues to our classes.

     Our school life goes on and that is something to be happy about. We wish you very happy Christmas holiday and we do it with this video where our students show that our facemask must not spoil our smile.