Sunday, 25 October 2020

A new beginning


    Un nuevo año escolar comienza a pesar de las dificultades de la situación tan especiales que estamos atravesando todos. Desde nuestro centro y el plan de bilingüismo, y con la ayuda de todos, haremos todo lo posible para disfrutar del mejor año escolar posible.

     Facemasks, soap, distance... new normal school life or so they say. Anyway, as Stevie Wonder says, "The world keeps  turnin´ " and so"teachers keep teachin´" and our school life goes on.

    We bilingual program teachers keep working on the activities as we have been doing for the last years and increasing our activity year after year. Some of our "flagship" projects  have not arrived yet but most of them will (other will have to wait until future school  years), but our contests, day's anniversaries, holidays... even though we are afraid that our trips will have to wait.

    The different subject areas keep using English as a language in the classroom in order to learn using our two languages together with the use of activities in English (for instance, have a look at the awesome posters to learn abour cell for a science project).

    One of the main supports we get for that purpose is the help of our English languages assistants, this year it seemed very difficult to be helped by such an useful figure. But fortunately Kim has come from London to stay with us this year, we are really pleased with her visit and we welcome her and hope she is enjoying her time with us.