Tuesday, 17 March 2020

St Patrick anyway!

      Hoy es un Día de San Patricio bastante atípico, nuestro departamento ya tenía programada una actividad que desde nuestro programa de bilingüísmo estamos intentando integrar en nuestra programación anual a este respecto. Desde nuestro centro, como la gran mayoría de centros en Andalucía, estamos usando distintos recursos para continuar con nuestra tarea de forma telemática de la manera más efectiva. Esta semana era la elegida, evidentemente, para la celebración de nuestra gymkhana con motivo de la efeméride irlandesa de más tradición mundial, así que desde nuestro blog haremos un pequeño homenaje a Irlanda y la fecha más vistosa de su calendario.

      The world turns green on this day, Irish spirit fills pubs and parades around the world but our current situation makes this celebration different today.  We can say this year we are playing a different role to celebrate Saint Patrick´s Day, he was taken to slavery by pirates and we are enslaved to stay at home just to overcome this extraordinary episode we are going through, I am sure we will get it soon. Anyway we can have our St. Patrick´s at home, with our family our on our own: dress something green, learn about Irish traditions and sing and dance some Irish songs (anyway probably you were not going to visit Dublin today).

     Do you know why Saint Patrick? Who was he? I have found this funny video:

     Our program includes an exciting contest to be held today, in groups with questions about legends, geography and history of Ireland, including a dancing event and a karaoke competition unfortunately this time had to be cancelled. One of the songs chosen for that last part of the game, the singing moment, is Dreams by Cranberries, a beautiful tune for these strange days we are living, let´s listen to it and dream on everything we will be doing in a couple of weeks with friends and the people we are looking forward to meeting again. I hope you all are ok!!!

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Visiting Málaga

      El miércoles 11 de marzo los alumnos de primero visitaron la capital malagueña para realizar la ya tradicional visita al cementerio anglicano, con su célebre gymkhana, y después pasear por las zonas más representativas del centro de la ciudad.

     Another tradition in our program is the trip to Málaga with its stop in the Anglican graveyard were some important figures such as writers as Jorge Guillén, Gerald Brenan or historical characters as Robert Boyd rest. There our guys discover a not very well known passage of our history as they enjoy a nice quest contest along such a lovely place. 

     Then we walk to the beautiful centre to stroll around charming sites like Alcazaba or the Roman theatre.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Sciences speak English

       El trabajo bilingüe de todos los departamentos implicados en nuestro programa no cesa. El funcionamiento de nuestro proyecto no sólo es patente a través de ciertas celebraciones ya arraigadas en nuestro calendario como salidas y efemérides o concursos, sino que se desarrolla en el día a día de nuestras aulas. El departamento de ciencias, por citar algún ejemplo, ha elaborado unos interesantes murales sobre distintas temáticas (Mendel, los diferentes sistemas del cuerpo humano...) aportando un vocabulario científico de una complejidad notable.

     Our bilingual program implies lots of activities during our everyday work; if you are used to reading our blog's feeds, we are sure you are aware of our trips and anniversaries but Science, History, Maths, Technology and Music lessons work with a myriad of activities in English supported by complex glossaries and explanations in English.

     Our Science board is one of the teachers' groups who have been an active character of our bilingual program since we started it eight years ago, their use of English totally involved in their methodology is remarkable besides most of their homework becomes really attractive: filmed experiments, models of planets, cells or molecules and presentations.

    Mr Luis' and Mrs Cristina's pupils' work is the latest showing of this daily work: posters on different scientific topics from Mendel's genetics laws to the complex practice of Amniocentesis prove this hard and important work.