Tuesday, 17 December 2019

O.V. Movies, another Christmas tradition

      Como cada año, empezamos nuestras tradiciones navideñas organizando una masiva excursión a La Cañada para ver una de las películas de la temporada en versión original. El film seleccionado en esta ocasión ha sido Jumanji.

      Jumanji is the sequel of the new adventures, a reboot of the awesome story introduced by Robin Williams some 30 years ago. 270 Students watched the exciting film in original version,  starred by Dwayne Johnson and Jack Black.  Then they had some spare time to go shopping in La Cañada. 

     This is a nice activity which puts English language in a real context and may let our students raise interest in cinema

Tuesday, 26 November 2019


       Nuestro proyecto bilingüe ha logrado que el I.E.S. Profesor Tomás Hormigo sea reconocido como uno de los cuatro centros malagueños finalistas a los premios de Buenas Prácticas Bilingües en la Educación Andaluza.

      Last Monday during the conferences on Bilingual and Plurilingual Teaching Coordination, we could not expect we were going to be given excellent news: our school bilingual project has been selected as one of the four finalist projects in schools (out of the 173 bilingual schools in our province) for the Andalusian Government contest, "Good Bilingual Teaching Practices". Our project focuses on the whole daily work, our students enjoy through a myriad of contests, trips, conferences and other activities, giving a special protagonism to our noteworthy Oscars.

     Our real prize is our girls and boys' work, joy and learning but I have to admit we are proud for such a recognition.


Monday, 4 November 2019

It's Halloweennnnnn!!!

     Como cada año nuestro centro se ha volcado con la festividad de Halloween. Disfraces, dulces deliciosamente terroríficos, historias para no dormir, monstruos de una originalidad increíble, calabazas para todos los gustos e incluso un pasaje del terror de pesadilla.

     Witches, ghosts, goblins, zombies, psychokillers... welcome to our school. We have experienced lots of scary activities before the long weekend: dreadful cakes and candy sale, 3D monsters design, Jack OĹantern pumpkin and Twitter Horror tale contests.

    A lot of teaching boards  programmed special activities for this day as our English board have been doing year after year, we have to mention the terror passage performed by ESO4 students and developed by the Social studies board.


Thursday, 31 October 2019

Heading to London

     Ayer tuvo lugar la primera reunión informativa para lo que será nuestra tercera salida de inmersión lingüística para alumnado de tercero de ESO a Londres. En caso de que estando interesad@ no pudiera asistir les dejo la hoja con las instrucciones para la inscripción online (ha de hacerse antes del 15 de noviembre).

    About thirty parents attended last afternoon to our first meeting to inform about the trip to London which will have place in spring. This is the third time we will travel to the British capital and we are following the same pattern years before: English classes in the morning, visits to the city in the afternoons. staying with families... This is our first contact with this awesome expirience we are glad to repeat.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

A new member in our team


    Como cada año hemos recibido a nuestro nuevo auxiliar de conversación de habla inglesa y el Plan de Lectura y Biblioteca, junto al de bilinguismo, hemos querido dar la bienvenida con un presente sin duda de gran valor.

    Maddy is our new British language assistant and she will be working with us until June. She has a lot to learn, not only about our kids but also about science, maths, technology, history... all the subjects she will be supporting in order to make our students achieve the best English level possible in different fields. Obviously she will find out lots of things about our way of life and traditions as well as, of course, our language. That is why we have not found a better welcoming gift than our most universal novel, Don Quijote de la Mancha. We gave her an abridged version for foreign Spanish-learners we are sure she will appreciate.

Monday, 7 October 2019

Here we go!

        Empezamos un nuevo curso con la ilusión de cada año o incluso más: seguiremos trabajando como lo venimos haciendo en los últimos cursos e incluiremos atractivas novedades.

       As we introduced by the headline, this a new year but we will work on many of the appealing and successful activities performed during school year 2017/18: Halloween contests, theatre plays, original version cinema, short film festival and English learning trip to London are some of them.

       We have to mention that, as our school grows, our program does so by adding a new language assistant to our lessons. Soon we will introduce Matty.

      Furthermore our new year program includes new and fun contents: visits, games... but we have a whole school year to let them show. 

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Oscars 2019

      Es ya una tradición y uno de los puntos fuertes de nuestra programación la celebración de nuestro festival de corotmetrajes en inglés, los  Oscars PTH.

     "And the Oscar goes to..." A new edition of our Oscars took place and as it happened most times with lots of fun: music, humour, touching speeches, surprises... Our ESO 4 students were shown their best projects (after their work; writing a screenplay, filming including subtitles...) and they were awarded with prizes (the classic statuettes and cinema tickets) to the following categories: acting role, screenplay, edition, music, values, non-native English and, obviously, best movie.

      The best projects were The Kidnapping, Chemistry Wars, The Crime, Nadia and the winner of the Best Movie Award, Back (a cartoon filmed after 120 drawings by  Carlos Araujo with a quite confusing, and awarded, screenplay). By them, our students expressed many of their interests and analysed them in an original manner: society, education, bullying, friendship...


Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Goodbye, friends!

     Como todos los años para esta fecha despedimos a nuestros auxiliares después de compartir con ellos grandes experiencias educativas.
     Nickee and Marcus finished their work with us and left us. We have learnt lots about their culture: American gastronomy, New Orleans carnival, Judaism, music, games... And, as we do with all our conversation assistants, they were given a present by our school to express our gratitude for their labour here. 

    You will always be welcome here, friends!

Tuesday, 2 April 2019


     Nuestros alumnos de tercero acaban de regresar de su viaje de inmersión lingüística a Londres, por segundo año consecutivo. Vienen compartiendo las vivencias disfrutadas con la única queja de que se les ha hecho muy corto.

      Our londoners have just arrived and they just complain because the time there was too short. The teachers Katya and Juan Miguel are really proud of the activity and how our kids enjoyed it. I could write a thousand words about this experience but, they say, a picture speaks a thousand words.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Pi Day

    El departamento de matematemáticas celebró con actividades bilingües el 3/14 (Día de Pi) con una extracción de muchos de sus decimales que añadió colorido a nuestro centro a la vez que mediante exposiciones nos dio interesantes datos sobre ese carismático número.

     The mathematics board and the PMAR3 group worked out some activities for the special day 3/14, also known as Pi Day. They decorated our stairs and corridors with a long list of the figures of this endless number as they also hung posters with interesting information about the history and funny data about such an important element for geometry. They also gave chats to all the groups adding new issues about it to the rest of their partners.

St Patrick´s Day

      Por primera vez en este centro nos hicimos irlandeses por un día  y disfrutamos de la festividad de San Patricio por medio de una gymkhana y actividades didácticas elaboradas por todos los departamentos.

     The week before St Patrick´s was a very special week for our students, thanks to the work of some teachers of the different subject boards. Lots of activities about Ireland were developed by means of normal maths , geography, science, chemistry, music, technology or English lessons about diverse aspects of Irish culture and way of life or by an exciting gymkhana by which our students had to prove their knowledge.

     The first three hours were time for working in class: Irish prehistory and fauna, what the Giants´ Causeway is, how to make a fluid density rainbow or to sing a U2´s tune. They were different, more dynamic lessons where our kids could enjoy more special activities like singing, learning about legends or doing an actual experiment.

     Then, after the break all the ESO1 and ESO2 had the chance to face the challenge of our St Patrick's Gymkhana: they had to prove their knowledge about legends, try a map puzzle and even dance a popular Irish reel.

     It has been an exciting school day but we missed some leprechauns...

Friday, 22 March 2019


El próximo martes 25 alumnos de nuestro centro viajarán a Londres, a continuación damos algunos datos de interés sobre el programa y el funcionamiento del seguro.

Seguro que vamos a disfrutar mucho de la experiencia.

Seguro, funcionamiento

Seguro App

 Teléfonos e información
