Friday, 23 March 2018


     El agua  también tuvo su protagonismo con actividades dentro del plan bilingüe con motivo de la celebración de su efeméride.

     Physics and English boards used  Word Water Day to introduce different activities. 22 March has become the day to value the importance of water for our health, societies and environment. Many subjects like P. E. , Ethics or Sciences focused on diverse aspects of its importance by their lessons but we are talking about the original outcome of its teaching in two other subjects. 

     Our 3ESO students worked on posters to inspire NGO's where water took a protagonist role (famine, turtles, the poles were some of the targets of their call). 1ESO with Mr Emilio Bustelo studied the physical properties of  H2O and we are able to see the result of their dynamic activity in the playground by means of this interesting video.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

International Women´s Day

      El Día Internacional de la Mujer debe tener una repercusión en toda la sociedad como cada año reflejan los centros educativos, el nuestro ha realizado actividades de distinta índole y con diversos frutos: charlas, debates, actividades de tutoría, análisis de figuras desde las distintas áreas, concursos de fotografía... En el departamento de inglés también se han realizado varias actividades con este fin, como las exposiciones de los alumnos de cuarto o los murales en primero sobre figuras femeninas reseñables para nuestra sociedad.

     The International Women´s Day has place at our school by the development of different activities every year, today we have seen posters, photographs... we have had discussions and conferences and other different activities related to this topic. English teacher Ms. Rosa ´s students have worked with remarkable women (writers, scientists, politicians...) and their role in our history. By means of guided explanations supported by power point presentations or dramatisations, 4ESO students analysed life and work of such women as Ada Lovelace, Virginia Woolf or Chien-Shiung Wu, whereas Anna Frank, Joan of Arc or Clara Campoamor were honoured by posters crafted by our 1ESO girls and boys.