Wednesday, 20 December 2017


     Como cada año, cuando se acercan las fiestas navideñas los departamentos de lengua inglesa y bilingüismo organizan la salida a una sala de cine para ver una de las novedades en cartelera más atractivas en versión original con subtítulos. Este año fue el turno de Wonder, una verdadera maravilla que todos los niños y niñas deberían ver.

     We were phoned by the cinemas with no time to react when they told us it was impossible to watch the film we had chosen and we were (nearly) forced to see "Wonder". It has been like a Christmas miracle, Wonder is a movie which every child, or everyone, should see because of its plot, characters and moral: it is an excellent prize to our students after their first term exams.

     This trip is one of the only two when all the classes at school have the chance to participate so the number of buses (four) and kids (more than two hundred) is remarkable.

     We visited la Cañada, some even got time to do some shopping after having their popcorn watching such a lovely film. No one missed a scene as the plot hooks you from the very beginning and, what is better, I am sure everyone  has learnt a lot about empathy, bullying, friendship and family.

     So, do not hesitate and go to the cinema during Christmas and "enjoy" with your family this breathtaking story... but bring kleenex!

Monday, 11 December 2017

Sciences videos

     El alumnado del profesor D. Emilio Bustelo en las asignaturas de Biología y Geología (en 1ºA y C) y Física y Química (en los grupos de 3º) ha utilizado frecuentemente unos videos (la gran mayoría en inglés aunque con alguno en castellano) para hacer las explicaciones de muchos de los temas más sencillos y visuales, sus links son mostrados a continuación.

     Biology and Geography and Physics and Chemistry are subjects where sometimes "an image helps better than a thousand words" and Mr. Emilio Bustelo uses videos from youtube of diverse styles, from songs to animation short films, to illustrate his explanations; below, we can find the links to them all.
          -The 1ESO A and C groups have worked "Earth and its galaxy" and "Mineral and Rocks".  
(Click here)
              -The 3ESO groups videos show "Sciences" and "The Atomic Model" 
(Click here)


E-Twinning training

     Aunque muchos desconozcáis tal detalle, el profesorado está en constante reciclaje para su buen funcionamiento y mejora. Una de los recursos principales que encontramos para este fin son los cursos de formación. Estas semanas el profesorado de nuestro centro está realizando varios de ellos con diferentes temáticas; uno de ellos es el curso del CEP Marbella/Coín sobre el uso de la red intercentros europea E-Twinning.

      Every school has an interesting teacher training program so that teachers can improve their knowledge and skills about different subjects and fields, for instance, in Profesor Tomás Hormigo, we teachers are attending different courses (School Linguistic Planning, ICT for Diversification, Transgender in Andalusian Education...) during these weeks of November, December and January.

     We had also the chance to attend the lecture on E-Twinning, a valuable tool to work with different schools from many European countries making possible the future co-working with them about projects of any subject.

     It was an interesting lecture with the attendance of head figures of the program in Madrid and Sevilla and the illustrative speeches of teachers already using the advantages of such a felpful program.