Friday, 21 April 2017

All Blacks!

    Este curso estamos estrujando al máximo la versatilidad de nuestro auxiliar de conversación: no sólo hemos disfrutado de la presentación sobre su país en todos los grupos (bilingües o no), al tratarse de un neozelandés, no podíamos pasar por alto una de sus insignias nacionales, el rugby.

     Mr Paco Santoyo and Mr George Harman have given some original lessons inspired on rugby, prime activity in New Zealand and quite an unknown sport for many of us. Our students were taught about some of its main rules and practized some games related to this sport. Finally they tried something similar to a match XDDDD.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

A Selwo Adventure

      El martes 18 de Abril nuestros alumnos de los cuatro grupos de primero de E.S.O. vivieron una aventura en plena naturaleza, más bien podríamos describirla como una aventura en la jungla. Mediante la experiencia safari que se nos ofrece en el  parque presenciaron de cerca el día a día de animales más y menos comunes, jugaron con ellos, los alimentaron y, sobre todo, aprendieron muchísimo sobre ellos gracias a la ayuda de nuestros guías en una nueva actividad bilingüe.

     It must be great to go to school and spend the whole school day enjoying a savannah safari. That is what our 1ESO students did last Tuesday, they visited Selwo Adventure Park with their Science teachers Mr Luis Hernández and Mr Luis Resina and their bilingual music teacher Mr Javier Orellana, and our Kiwi English-language assistant, who had an awesome time like all the kids

     Once they met their English guides they learnt lots of things about hippos, zebras, lions, elephants... tripping to and fro by safari jeeps and having the chance to play with these exotic animals, to touch them (not the lions, of course) and even to feed them. It has been a great experience just a few minutes from school. Definitely a different way to have a sciences lesson
     ...and it has been something WILD!!!

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

The Time Machine

     If this is a multilingual section, yesterday we had a performance about music, the universal language. The Time Machine was an exciting, interesting and entertaining review of music and singing by a travel through history: Sonia and Fran, a young couple and their astonishing voices taught us what Opera, Clerical Choirs or lyrical singing are.