Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Oscars 2015

     Con la proximidad del final de curso una de las actividades bilingües más creativas tiene lugar, el certamen y festival de cortometrajes en inglés, los denominados Oscars Profesor Tomás Hormigo.

     Last Monday, our 4ESO students showed the results of their English projects, their short films. Ten English films (helped by English subtitles) were presented in a Hollywoodian ceremony conducted by their English teacher José Luis Caballos, and with the support of other teachers.

     The festival, which was loaded of cinematographic references, music, jokes, lots of laughs and surprises and, obviously, the pictures crafted by our pupils; ten mini-movies of different genres from horror to sports or comedy:

-Turn on the Lights (4ºAB)
-The Night of the Long Knives (4ºC)
-Road to Glory (4ºABbi)
-The Haunted Doll (4ºC)
-The Adventures of Dog, Cat and Smitti...(4ºAB)
-CPY News (4ºABbi)

     All the four finalists films got some award. The horror film Amy (4ºABbi) got the Best Editing Award. The great thriller Her Last Night was only awarded with the Best Actress Oscar, to Olivia Greenwood.  On the other hand, The Two Sides of Life (4ºABbi) won two prices, Best Screenplay Oscar for this story which criticizes problems like racism or school bullying; one of its protagonists, Pryunk Patel was awarded with the Best Actor Prize.

     But talking about bullying, we have to mention Judged (4ºC) which analyses this conflict from different points of view, through documentary-styled techniques, using off-voice and black and white.  These were some of  the reasons which made this film win the Best Film Oscar, prize given to the best project.

    The closing of the ceremony became a special moment since a video with lots of bloopers (click and watch it) taken from all the films was shown.

     Undoubtly, a great experience for all of us.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Good bye, friend!

     Este año gozamos de la ayuda de un auxiliar de conversación de Texas, Preston Grimes. Su aventura junto a nosotros terminó la semana pasada pero, conociéndolo, seguro que seguirá viviendo aventuras donde quiera que vaya.... ¡Buena suerte, amigo!

    Our friend Preston Grimes left last week after helping us with our English learning but also after learning a lot about us, Spain and Spanish language. There were lots of events to say to him goodbye: different groups, teachers... even he had the chance to visit Isla Mágica with all our students during his last working day here.

     One of the most moving moments was the last lesson with a group when he was asked about his experiences and he talked about moments among us and how much he had enjoyed this season. We will never forget the great moments with him, his Texan way and his sense of humour...

    So long, friend!!!