Friday, 29 May 2015

Coming Soon...

     Se aproxima la fecha de la próxima entrega de Oscars a los proyectos de cortometrajes en inglés de los alumnos de cuarto de año, once proyectos han sido entregados, ¿eres capaz de aguantar mucho más para verlos y conocer a los premiados?

     Eleven short-film projects have been carried out this school year. On Monday, June 15th, we will enjoy again the magic moments of the Oscars. We will have the premier of the best works made by our 4º students, then we will find out who will be awarded with the Oscars for best actress or actor, best film editing, best screenplay or best project.

    In the meantime you can peek the trailers of three of this year's projects: Amy, a horror story with ghosts, ouijas and lots of scary moments; The Two Sides of Life, a story which analyses some problems of schools nowadays and Her Last Night, a group of girls go through one friend's mysterious vanishing.

      I cannot wait, can you?


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Nature Camp in Almería

      Nuestro programa bilingüe ofrece actividades a todos los niveles, ofertando a tercero la salida a un campamento de aventura en el medio natural utilizando el inglés como lengua vehicular. Durante los días del 12 al 15 de mayo nuestro alumnado visitó el Aula de Naturaleza Predes en la provincia de Almería.

     3ºAbi and 3ºBbi visited one of the worst-known areas in Andalucía, the rear part of Alpujarra, that area belonging to Almería, has become an excellent setting to learn and play in nature.  During these hot days of spring, they have really found out what the meaning of the word desert is by the trip to Tabernas Desert. They have also hiked by the wilderness of the hills, taken part in lessons to get different activities from creating a perfume out of plants to baking cakes, run through a gymkhana and visited the setting for actual western movies.

     And what can be better than having such an experience with teachers like Luis Hernández and Cristóbal Navarro?

Monday, 4 May 2015

Etwinning Training

      Nuestro profesorado bilingüe participó en una jornada de introducción al programa de intercambio virtual europeo eTwinning. Gracias a la desinteresada colaboración de nuestra ponente experta en la plataforma, Dº Josefina Martín, Coordinadora del Plan Bilingüe del I.E.S. Benalmádena, algunos docentes de nuestro centro tuvieron acceso de primerísima mano a una mejor información sobre el funcionamiento y las ventajas del posible uso de esta herramienta para futuros proyectos.

     ETwinning is an European resource which alllows both teachers and students from different countries to share information, work together and communicate easily.

     Ms Josefina Martín from IES Benalmádena is a teacher whose experience with this program makes her the best Andalusian ambassador to help any educational community interested in its use.  The information given have been considered really helpful and we are sure future projects will be brought out by using this new tool.

     Thanks a lot, mate!!!