Friday, 24 April 2015

Mountains and Mines

     "La Sierra y la Mina" es una actividad que viene desarrollándose en nuestro centro durante cuatro años: organizada por el Departamento de Bilingüismo, nuestro alumnado bilingüe de 2ºESO disfruta de las variopintas actividades programadas en las localidades de Río Tinto y Aracena.

      Our ESO2 visited Río Tinto and Aracena again: this year, our students travelled there with the teachers Mónica Villena and José León. This program "Mountains and Mines" offer totally different activities which make this trip and excellent adventure where you exercise, learn, have fun and live exciting moments with your friends.

     They have hiked along wandering paths surrounded by chestnut trees, discovered how copper mines worked a century ago, enjoyed breathtaking landscapes, played adventure games in the forest, travelled by a picturesque train by the red waters of Río Tinto...

      It has been the fourth time our school does this trip and it won't be the last.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

World Book Day

    Esta semana en nuestro centro se volvió a conmemorar el Día del Libro. Entre otras actividades organizadas por el Departamento de Lengua y Literatura, como ponencias de escritores, lecturas e incluso concursos de escritura, volvimos a disfrutar en nuestro recreo del mercadillo de libros usados donde contamos con una presencia importante de textos tanto en castellano como en lengua inglesa.

     April 23rd is the date chosen by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to promote reading. During this week, our school, like most of them, develops many activities to celebrate this day.

     Lectures by writers and contests have been programmed by the Spanish Language and Literature Department as well as the traditional second-hand book market where everyone could get interesting books both in Spanish or English (or even French readers) just for one Euro, activity which is being a success as it is used to being year after year.

Friday, 17 April 2015

WE LOoooooooVE S P R I N G!!!

     Ya llegó la primavera y, con ella, las salidas de los grupos bilingües como viene haciéndose durante los últimos cuatro años. Las actividades programadas son la Sierra y la Mina en la provincia de Huelva y el Aula de la Naturaleza en la de Almería, ambas excursiones con el inglés como vehículo de comunicación y profundizando en diversos aspectos de nuestra comunidad
tanto sociales como ambientales.

     During spring time, as we have been doing for four years, we are visiting different regions of our community by the development of some activities which help us learn about diverse aspects of nature, society and economy.

     Through La Sierra y La Mina (Mountain and Mine) program, 2ESO visit Río Tinto: its copper mines, museum, British-origin neighborhood, nature paths and river; an amazing trip you should miss if you have not done yet (APRIL 12th and 13th, with their teachers José and Mónica).

     In Sierra de Almería (southern boundary of Alpujarra), our 3ESO are discovering a surprising landscape, where mountains and desert combine, by the adventurous activites involving this Aula de la Naturaleza; a great chance to practice sports and have lots of fun as they learn (APRIL 21st, 22nd and 23rd, with Luis and Cristóbal).

     We will tell you what they are doing and show some pictures once there.