Friday, 30 January 2015

Give Peace a Chance

      Como cada 30 de Enero el centro conmemoró el Día de la Paz con distintas actividades.                           

    Today, January 30th, it is the School Day of Non-violence and Peace: our school has been decorated with peace artworks and pacifist mottos which can be found everywhere and we have also read poems and played excelent covers of Michael Jackson's Heal the World or The Beatles' Let it Be and All You Need Is Love to celebrate this day, so...                                                        

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

7th Career Orientation Conferences

      Perteneciente a las VII Jornadas de Orientación de nuestro centro, el pasado martes 27 de enero presenciamos una actividad que viene desarrollándose con mucho éxito durante los últimos cursos: la charla sobre orientación laboral de la mano del, ya nuestro, psicólogo Jorge Bejarano, asesor financiero, coach y psicólogo experto en marketing y recursos humanos.

     Our students of Year 4 are about to face a prime crossroad for their future, they should begin choosing the right options in their careers in order to have the chance to get a job they like in the future. Therefore our school counselor board is developing the 7th Career Orientation Conferences: teachers, lawyers, doctor or journalists will be giving conferences so that we will understand different aspects of each job (the description of the different university programs, what you have to do once you get that job, diverse posibilities for each career...)

     One of the main activities during these conferences is the orientation counselling by our favourite psychologist Jorge Bejarano, throughout his forty-five minute speech we get lots of advice about CV's, what we should look for in a job or what is the way we should behave during a job interview. The most illustrative way to show this last point is by means of an interview drill and what is best about it is that it is in English, an activity which is not very usual in ordinary secondary schools.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Bilingual School Blogs in Málaga

    Tommy está de enhorabuena: nuestro blog ha sido incluido en la web de la Red de Centros Plurilingües de la Delegación de Educación de la Provincia de Málaga, página donde encontramos muchos de los principales blogs educativos bilingües de centros de primaria y secundaria de la provincia.

       Our blog has been included in the list of the provincial plurilingual school network (Red de Centros Plurilingües de la Delegación de Educación de la Provincia de Málaga).

     There, our school has the chance to share with internet readers everywhere what we do and how we work in IES Profesor Tomás Hormigo, and we can do it there together with some of the main bilingual schools' blogs in Málaga. At the same time we can learn a lot by watching what other bilingual students do.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

What's the Media

     El pasado día 13 de enero tuvo lugar la visita por parte de los grupos de 3º y 4º bilingües a las sedes malagueñas de dos de los medios de comunicación andaluces de mayor importancia: el periódico Diario Sur y la Radio Televisión andaluza, Canal Sur RTVA

     According to the communicative competence goals described by the Spanish Language and Literature teaching program and as part of the study of the media, our school visited a journal and a radio/TV broadcaster.

     The children were really excited about knowing how an actual newspaper like Diario Sur works. A special moment during this visit was when we were shown the section in English of the journal.

     Then we had a great time at the Andalusian television home, Canal Sur,  where we attended a live show and even we had lots of laughs when some of our students dared to imitate the frustrating New Year's broadcast (if you don't know what I am talking about, use twitter, this topic has been #TT for several days in Spain).

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Bilingual Doors

     Como previamente se aprobó con motivo de la efeméride del Día de las Lenguas Europeas, se colocó la cartelería en lengua inglesa en las principales dependencias y aulas del centro, enfatizando nuestro carácter bilingüe así como ayudando a mejorar la información sobre la organización del centro y facilitando el aprendizaje de nuevo vocabulario relativo para nuestro alumnado.

    A veces detalles insignificantes pueden suponer una mejora sustancial.

     Using the Day of the European Languages as a set-off, the Bilingualism Program Department and the head of studies board approved a project to add English placards to Spanish door signs of many classrooms and offices in our school, so from now on our room signs will also be bilingual, including offices like the headteacher's, secretary's or counselor's as well as common classrooms like the laboratory or the workshops and the different subjects' departments.

     This fact can help foreign users of our school as it can also help us learn new vocabulary about education (for example, it is interesting discover terms such as the dreadful "Peer Mediation Classroom" XDDD).